Stocks & Commodities V. 33:1 (44-47): Product review: eSignal 12.0 by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Product Description
Product review: eSignal 12.0 by Technical Analysis, Inc.
3955 Point Eden Way, Hayward, CA 94545
phone: 510 266-6000, 800 815-8256
product: Trading software with streaming stock quotes and charting tools
System requirements: Recommended: Windows 8, Windows 7 (64-bit); Intel Core i3/i5/i7; 4 GB RAM; 250 MB available disk space.
Power User: Windows 8, Windows 7 (64-bit); Intel Core i7 (3.2 GHz or faster);8 GB RAM; 250 MB available hard disk space
price: Fees vary depending on whether you are paying by year or month. Additional fees are charged for increasing the number of symbols viewed, market quotes provided, and for third-party software; fees range from $49/month to $395/month — call or see website for more pricing details.
eSignal 12.0 adds two major new features: Market Screener Plus+ and Options Analytix. Both deserve an in-depth look to see how they can be beneficial to the trader. Two recent reviews of Advanced GET and eSignal 11 that appeared in this publication will help you get a broader perspective of this product that is rich in features. (See “Further reading” at end.)
The idea behind Market Screener Plus+ is to give you the ability to scan an entire exchange or just part of it. Several exchanges are available to choose from. If you wish to scan several exchanges simultaneously, you’ll need to pay the fee to access data from several exchanges: $25/month for three, $35/month for five, and $50/month for 10. You need to use screening criteria, referred to as filters, to scan the markets. You can create filters and save them or use the prebuilt ones. Your choices for criteria are bar values, fundamental, and technical. In Figure 1 you see the interface for setting up your screening criteria. You will see that the criteria are defined by three columns, with the middle one being a relational operator. Hence, it is not necessary to know any programming language to define your criteria.
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