Stocks & Commodities V. 33:04 (40–41, 47): The Trader’s Psyche by Solomon Chuama

Stocks & Commodities V. 33:04 (40–41, 47): The Trader’s Psyche by Solomon Chuama
Item# V33C04_972CHUA
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Product Description

The Trader’s Psyche by Solomon Chuama

Nothing More Than Feelings

Three parties are involved in trading: the buyer, the seller, and you. Your behavior and actions play an important role in your trading results. Here’s how you can use them to your benefit.

Our behavior and actions—not the market’s—are the catalyst that drives our results. The market is a strong force that is beyond anybody’s control. Successful trading can be achieved through personal determination, a disciplined trading lifestyle, and perseverance. It sounds easy, but if it were easy, there would be a higher success rate among traders. Why are 90% of traders unsuccessful? Does it have to do with their psychology?

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