Stocks & Commodities V. 33:11 (38–40): The Secret To Breaking The Code by Rande Howell, MEd

Stocks & Commodities V. 33:11 (38–40): The Secret To Breaking The Code by Rande Howell, MEd
Item# V33C11_098HOWE
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

The Secret To Breaking The Code by Rande Howell, MEd

Many people get duped into believing that by participating in the markets, success will be right around the corner. Here’s a more realistic look.

Why do experienced traders become unglued when losses occur, even though they know that losses are part of trading? And why do traders slip from confidence into overconfidence (and blow up their profits) just when they’ve put a string of winners together? In addition, why do some traders’ execution plans fly out the window just at the moment they need them most?

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