Stocks & Commodities V. 33:13 (2429): Recognizing Patterns & Relations in Candlesticks by Martha Stokes, CMT

Stocks & Commodities V. 33:13 (2429): Recognizing Patterns & Relations in Candlesticks by Martha Stokes, CMT
Item# V33C13_959STOK
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Product Description

Recognizing Patterns & Relations in Candlesticks by Martha Stokes, CMT

Connect The Dots

Theres more to chart patterns than merely identifying them. Find out how you can see relationships between candlestick bars and patterns to better assess what price is likely to do.

Pattern-recognition skills are a traders most important chart analysis asset. Since the introduction of Japanese candlestick charts to the West in the late 1980s, they have become the most popular and most-used price plot style by both retail traders and professionals, and with good reason. Candlesticks are the easiest of all the chart styles to read and recognize. However, just learning the basic candlestick patterns taught in numerous books, DVDs, and articles is not going to make a trader consistently successful in the stock market. What can help is going beyond the basics of the candlestick books and patterns to apply a technique I named Spatial Pattern Recognition Skills (SPRS), which I will describe here. This technique can provide far more in-depth analysis quickly and accurately.

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