Stocks & Commodities V. 33:11 (28, 30–33): Interview: Developing Systems With Howard Bandy by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Stocks & Commodities V. 33:11 (28, 30–33): Interview: Developing Systems With Howard Bandy by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Item# V33C11_096INTE
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Interview: Developing Systems With Howard Bandy by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Howard Bandy has degrees in mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer science. He completed master’s and doctoral studies and research in modeling, simulation, and statistics, and he performed some of the early work in artificial intelligence. He has over 50 years’ experience in research and applications of modeling and simulation of financial systems. He is the author and publisher of several books related to quantitative trading systems for stocks, bonds, funds, and futures. He regularly conducts several seminars and has spoken at international conferences.

STOCKS & COMMODITIES Editor Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan talked with Howard Bandy on September 9, 2015 about what it takes to develop a reliable trading system.

Howard, tell us about how you got interested in trading.

My first stock purchases were in the 1960s. Spreads were in one-eighths, and commissions were high. Later, I went to graduate school, where I studied mathematics, statistics, and computer science. One of my areas of research was artificial intelligence...

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