Stocks & Commodities V. 32:1 (55): Q&A by Don Bright
Product Description
Q&A by Don Bright
First of all, I would like to thank those
of you who noticed my absence in the
past couple of issues of this magazine. I
think it’s my first “misses” in the 10 or
12 years I’ve been writing this column,
and I thank the staff at S&C for bearing
with me while I recuperated. Now on to
some questions…
A while back you wrote about order
routing, rebate trading, and how traders
can profit from all of this. I wasn’t
trading much back then, but over the
last couple of years I have increased
my shares considerably. I was wondering
whether things have changed much.
Also, do you know which brokers pass
through these savings?
Regarding routing issues, you are absolutely
correct to verify that your broker
allows for pass-through revenues (as well
as pass-through charges, in the interest
of fairness) that you incur through your
trading. In Figure 1, I show some recent
examples of some order destinations
and the amounts involved (thank you to
Goldman Sachs Execution & Clearing
for providing this sampling).
There are literally dozens of destinations
if you include the dark pools. I’ve
posted just a short list here to show how
the whole process works. This handful
of ECNs and the NYSE handle a large
percentage of liquidity.
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