Stocks & Commodities V. 32:5 (33): Q&A by Don Bright

Stocks & Commodities V. 32:5 (33): Q&A by Don Bright
Item# V32C05_776BRIG
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Q&A by Don Bright


Mr. Bright, I often hear the term trade setups and have read a few articles that purport to show good setups. However, when I take away the part that talks about the good portion of the setup, I see things that are ambiguous to me. In several cases, the same setups could have, and actually did, go very badly. In your experience, are there really such things as setups with quantifiable results? My group tends to rely on these things, and yet I seem to be the only one making money. I don’t make much, but I don’t lose, either. Any help would be appreciated.

Oh boy, did you ever hit a hot button with this one. I will do my best to be as discreet and restrained as possible. In my history, so many setups are touted after the fact, much like showing off the fish you caught, without sharing the number of wasted hours and money on the fish you did not catch. I guess another parallel would be the horse-race bettor who brags about the wins, but tears up the losing tickets. (Note: Please, no emails on this; trust me, I understand the psychology of this type of thinking).

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