Stocks & Commodities V. 32:1 (15): Futures For You by Carley Garner
Product Description
Futures For You by Carley Garner
If strangle traders can make money
regardless of market direction, doesn’t
it provide the best odds of success?
The term strangle is somewhat ambiguous
in that it can be applied to long
options, short options, and even futures
strategies. Accordingly, I feel like this
question is best answered by addressing
all three approaches. In order to do the
topic justice, we’ll need to extend this
discussion to my next two columns in the
February and March 2014 issues.
We’ll begin with the strategy of buying
option strangles. This includes the
simultaneous purchase of a call and a
put option with out-of-the-money strike
prices. If you’re not familiar with options,
a call option is the right to buy the
underlying futures contract at a specific
date and time in the future at a specific
price (referred to as the strike price). A
put option is simply the right to sell a
futures contract at the strike price of the
option at a specified point in the future.
Buying a call is a bullish proposition,
while buying a put is bearish. Thus,
the purchase of both creates a neutral
strategy that anticipates a large move
in one direction or the other.
Naturally, owning the right to buy or
sell the underlying futures contract at a
specified price in the future comes at a
cost. Buyers of these options must pay
a premium to the sellers to acquire the
right. This is the same concept the insurance
industry operates on; the insured
pay a premium to the insurer for the right
to benefits should a certain event occur
in the future. Most of the time, an event
that triggers a claim does not occur and
the policy seller (the insurance company)
keeps the premium.
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