Stocks & Commodities V. 31:5 (8-9): Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Product Description
Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Head & Shoulders,
Though it is my belief
that all who go to the
effort to advance or
even attempt to advance
their knowledge should
be applauded, I must
nonetheless deplore author Giorgos
Siligardos’ inappropriate use of the
term “head & shoulders” in his April
2013 S&C article (“Head & Shoulders,
Algorithmically, Part 1”).
That term, adopted a number of years
ago by his predecessors, was intended to
apply to a specific chart formation identified
according to certain rules. Those
rules were set down in detail by early
writers in the field of technical analysis,
such as the writings of Robert Edwards
& John Magee most famously, dating,
if memory serves, from the 1940s. The
charts displayed in Siligardos’ article do
not fit those rules, at least as I recall them
(unfortunately, I do not have a copy of
the book). I must apologize in advance
if your own investigation shows my
memory to be faulty in some respect.
I do recall, however, that there was
general agreement among technicians of
the 1950s–60s that the neckline must be
level or downsloping to the right, and that
volume declination across the three peaks
was also required. Volume is nowhere
mentioned in his piece, and the necklines
of all his figures are upsloping.
It should be further noted that there
were good and valid reasons for those
requirements, which reasons I presume
do not require specification here (though
I do not resist discussion if Siligardos
feels it appropriate).
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