Stocks & Commodities V. 31:8 (8-9, 52): Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis Inc.

Stocks & Commodities V. 31:8 (8-9, 52): Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis Inc.
Item# V31C08_593LETT
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Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis Inc.



I recently came across the Gopalakrishnan range index (“Gopalakrishnan Range Index,” Stocks & Commodities, January 2001). Do you have this indicator for Microsoft Excel? I would be very happy if I could implement it in an Excel spreadsheet.


The article included a sidebar on how to implement the indicator in Excel (“Calculating GAPO With Excel”). Readers can access the article and sidebar in the article archive at our website, —Editor

CODE FOR SWING TRADING STRATEGY Editor, Congratulations to Sylvain Vervoort on his wellwritten articles (“Indicator Rules For Swing Trading Strategies,” parts 1 & 2, May and June 2013) that do a good job of explaining the rules for swing trading. I’ve been working on an objective system for futures trading myself. The rules have been working very well. I would like to expand this to swing trading equities, so I am intrigued about what Vervoort has to offer. Will he be offering the indicators for the TOS (thinkorswim) platform? I look forward to learning more about his system.


Author Sylvain Vervoort replies:

Code for several charting platforms based on my swing trading strategy has been published in the Traders’ Tips section of the June 2013 issue of S&C, available at the S&C website at in the Traders’ Tips area. If TOS is not represented there, you might try contacting thinkorswim regarding possibly getting code to use for the strategy.

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