Stocks & Commodities V. 31:1 (62-64): Quick-Scans: ChartLabPro by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Stocks & Commodities V. 31:1 (62-64): Quick-Scans: ChartLabPro by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Item# V31C01_473QSCHART
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Quick-Scans: ChartLabPro by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan


Which stock should you buy? Are the stocks you own worth holding on to or should you sell them? Are they oversold or overbought? Should you put all your equity into a trade? Trading is all about making decisions based on an unknown outcome. Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you don’t. But that’s the nature of the game, and often, those decisions are made purely on guesswork.

To take guesswork out of the equation, the folks at developed ChartLabPro, a technical analysis–based platform to help traders gain an edge in their trading. It is designed to give you an overall view of your portfolio so you are better able to make trading decisions.


When you log on to ChartLabPro (Figure 1), you will see all the alerts for your portfolio, watchlist, and sectors. These alerts let you know which stocks or sectors had some change in their rankings — that is, they may have been downgraded or perhaps their trend reversed. To the right of the alerts you will see the performance of the Standard & Poor’s 500 with three support and resistance levels and a meter that indicates if the index is oversold or overbought. You will also see several articles that provide market commentaries. They are titled “Morning Coffee,” “Afternoon Tea,” and “Happy Hour.” Prior to trading, if you looked at the Morning Coffee section, you will get a summary of the important news items that could affect your trading.

The rating change alerts, which you will also see on the home page, are good to keep an eye on. Here you see rating changes for longs, shorts, and the S&P 500 for the current day, the last two days, and the last five days. You also see the long and short alerts where you see the previous rating as well as the new one. Another variable I would like to point out is the current day, two-day, and five-day outperformance, which is your average return of longs and average return of shorts.

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