Stocks & Commodities V. 31:12 (52-54): Product review: BollingerOnBollingerBands ( by Technical Analysis Inc.

Stocks & Commodities V. 31:12 (52-54): Product review: BollingerOnBollingerBands ( by Technical Analysis Inc.
Item# V31C12_671PRBO
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Product Description

Product review: BollingerOnBollingerBands ( by Technical Analysis Inc.

Bollinger Capital Management

PO Box 3358, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

Phone: 310 798-8855



Product: Technical analysis website

Price: $25/month; 30-day free trial

John Bollinger’s website provides a wealth of tools for the trader. New features have been added, including an app that lets you get most of the website features on your Android or Apple IOS device. Also included is an artificial intelligence (AI) interface using an expert system, and who would you want more as your expert than John Bollinger? He has also added a formula programming language called BBScript, which is a perfect balance between robustness and ease of use — not too complex and not too simple.

Bollinger has a total of eight technical analysis websites. This review focuses on one of them, BollingerOnBollinger-, which can also be reached at Most traders will find all they need in this one website and it costs only $25 a month after a 30-day free trial. His other websites might be of interest as well, and will be the subject of a future review, so you will be able to see how BollingerOnBollingerBands fits in with the other major sites.

Advanced charting

Advanced charting (Figure 1) is one of several items within the BollingerOnBollingerBands menu and is comprehensive, containing charting, an AI expert system, screening, pattern searches, and other features.

One of the first things you will notice is the default price bars, or Bollinger Bars. An explanation is given in Figure 2. Candlesticks, line, and traditional OHLC bars are also available. Navigation buttons let you select different stocks within an industry group depending on their strength or weakness, or you can enter the ticker of your choice — there are more than 4,000 in their database.

Next to the navigation arrows is a button labeled expert. Clicking on it results in a dialog that gives you three options: audio, text, or cancel. Selecting text for the Curtis Wright (CW) price chart for September 10, 2013 results in the following sort of text:

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