Stocks & Commodities V. 31:1 (53): Explore Your Options by Price Headley
Product Description
Explore Your Options by Price Headley
Will the straddle work with index options
like SPX? I’d given up on individual
stocks and have been trading SPX options
exclusively. Except for the price
of the premiums, it seems to make little
difference in volatility if I buy the SPX
options in- or out-of-the-money (OTM),
so I buy them OTM for the cheaper
premiums. I remember reading about
straddles and spreads, and correct me
if I’m wrong but the behavior of options
on individual stocks seems to depend on
whether they are in or out of the money,
and I thought that was the key to straddle/
spread strategies. Am I correct in thinking
these strategies won’t work for index
options? Are there similar strategies that
can be employed that work to hedge risk
and make money both ways with index
options like for SPX?
First, here’s how a straddle works. Say
XYZ shares are trading at 50 and you
expect the stock to be volatile, up to the
60 area of higher or down to 40 or lower
over the next several months. The only
issue is you don’t know which way it’s
going to move first. The straddle purchase
is an option strategy, which can get you
on board the start of a big move.
By purchasing the six-month XYZ
50 call and simultaneously buying the
six-month XYZ 50 put, we now have
a position that can benefit as long as
XYZ shares are even more volatile
than expected. When you buy the same
strike price on both sides, it’s known as
a straddle. If the strike prices are different,
it’s called a strangle. The key to
success in buying straddles is what you
pay for the call and put option relative
to the volatility, which is implied or
expected to occur. There are factors to
consider in getting the cheapest straddles, which can offer the greatest leverage in
a potentially volatile move:
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