Stocks & Commodities V. 31:8 (44-47): System Design Software, Part 2 by Sunny Harris

Stocks & Commodities V. 31:8 (44-47): System Design Software, Part 2 by Sunny Harris
Item# V31C08_602PRSY
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System Design Software, Part 2 by Sunny Harris

Basics Of Using Trading Software

In Part 1 of this series on system design software, we looked at AmiBroker and Adaptrade. Here in Part 2, we’ll look at two more products.

Designing your own trading system can give you a unique edge in your trading. Software with good features can certainly help the design process along. Fortunately, you have many choices today when it comes to selecting system design software. Most offer similar features, but each has its subtle differences. In this article series in which I take a look at different system design software, it is my goal to bring out the unique features of each of the products I consider. In this, the second part, I will discuss eSignal and Trade Navigator.

eSignal, an Interactive Data company

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In the days when I was newly in search of real-time data, it was eSignal I settled on. Back then, data was transmitted over the airways on a radio signal dedicated to data, and I used what was then called Lotus Signal. I remember having a huge television-type antenna on my roof, with wires coming down the side of my house and into my trading room. It always seemed like when I was in the middle of a crucial trade, the antenna would need adjustment, and I would have my kids climb the roof while we would yell back and forth, “Turn it this way, turn it that way, stop! You’ve got it.” I’m sure the neighbors thought I was nuts. For the times when I was traveling,

I carried a transistor radio-sized handheld device called QuoTrek on which I received my real-time quotes — no charts, just numbers. It was way ahead of its time, and only the coolest traders had one. I also remember paying thousands of dollars each month for my data. Thank goodness those days are gone, and now data is all but free. It’s a lot easier to make a profit when your overhead isn’t so high.

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