Stocks & Commodities V. 31:4 (40-43): System Design Software (Part 1) by Sunny Harris
Product Description
System Design Software (Part 1) by Sunny Harris
Basics Of Using Trading Software
Back when I first began
trading, only one
piece of software addressed
the trading community:
it was called CompuTrac, the
only available DOS program
for a long time. It was wonderful
by comparison to the
alternative: pen and paper, or
even primitive spreadsheets.
CompuTrac (the company) put
on annual seminars where they
invited notable gurus to share
their trading ideas. It was exciting
to meet all these famous
people face-to-face.
Somewhere along that time
came an upstart young company
called Omega Research. They
introduced a DOS program
called SystemWriter, later
SystemWriter Plus. It answered a fantasy: backtesting concepts and
producing detailed reports of the
outcomes. It only processed daily data,
but I created 15-minute data (by hand)
and fed it into SystemWriter Plus and
then wrote in all the corresponding times
on my charts. It was definitely primitive.
But it was head and shoulders above
anything else available.
When Windows came along, it didn’t
take long for it to catch on, along with
the need for intraday data. And along
came an upgrade to SystemWriter Plus,
called TradeStation. After that, it all
happened very fast, as computers became
more sophisticated, operating systems
blossomed, and datafeeds got faster.
I do not pretend to know all there is
to know about available software. I’m
dangerous: I know a little about a lot, but
not a lot about much except TradeStation.
In this series of reviews, I will show you
available software products, but not a
lot about them. This isn’t meant to be
in-depth reviews of each product, but
a sweeping stroke over a lot of choices
available to you as a trader.
I will present these products alphabetically,
with no evaluation as to fitness for
purpose. That is up to you. I have lots
of software because I love software and
buy everything I can afford. I’ll show
you what I currently have.
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