Stocks & Commodities V. 31:10 (44-45): Quick-Scan: by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Stocks & Commodities V. 31:10 (44-45): Quick-Scan: by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Item# V31C10_635QSPI
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Product Description

Quick-Scan: by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan


13300-56 South Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers, FL 33907



Product: Indicator used to find trades in the forex market

Price: $89.99 per month

In a market in which around $5 trillion is traded each day, and one that is dominated by large financial institutions, it’s unsettling if not intimidating for the retail trader to want to be a part of this group. Yet it is possible for the retail trader to make money in the currency markets; you just have to play the game in a different way.

Since the large financial institutions dominate this market, it’s necessary and important to keep track of what the banks are doing. The Pit-View indicator does just that by listing all the forex liquidity providers and showing whether they are buying or selling a specific currency pair. It allows you to see when the liquidity providers make their moves, when they change direction, and whether there is a follow-through on that move. And the nice thing is that it can be used on any forex platform: Pit-View is broker- and trading platform–independent.

Here’s how it works

Pit-View has three major window types. The most important is the Insiders Montage, which is a window that helps to identify the currency pairs that have strong imbalances in bid/ask, tracks when the major liquidity providers in the currency markets are changing their bid/ask activity, and reveals action that is going on in the inside bids/asks. There is a unique ID for each liquidity provider, although you don’t know who or what they are since banks like to remain anonymous. However, by following the unique IDs, you can find out what a certain liquidity provider is doing.

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