Stocks & Commodities V. 31:10 (48-50): Product review: EquityFeed by Technical Analysis Inc.

Stocks & Commodities V. 31:10 (48-50): Product review: EquityFeed by Technical Analysis Inc.
Item# V31C10_637PREQ
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Product Description

Product review: EquityFeed by Technical Analysis Inc.


5485 Pare, Suite 204, Montreal, Quebec H4P 1P7, Canada



Phone: 855 853-6666

Product: Real-time trading platform for retail traders

Price: $180/month for US equities

quityFeed, a Java-based software product, delivers real-time market quotes. The exchanges supported by EquityFeed include the NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ, OTCBB, and pink sheets. An attractive feature of EquityFeed is that streaming data is provided for all the equities in the aforementioned exchanges in one table, which in turn facilitates sorting and filtering. The data includes price quotes, volume, number of trades, bid, ask, and so on. To send all of this data, a proprietary compression algorithm is used. EquityFeed employs an SaaS (software as a service) paradigm. You’ll want the latest version of Java installed on your computer to run EquityFeed.


Rather than use one large window with a menu line, EquityFeed opted to create a small screen from which you can select items of interest. The small screen is called the LaunchPad (Figure 1). Click on the item of interest and it will expand to give you more choices.

Market View

EquityFeed’s principal screen is the Market View screen (Figure 2). If, after selecting it from the LaunchPad, you don’t see it, look on the Windows task bar for an image of the Market View screen. Right-click, select move, and then use your arrow keys to position it where you want it to be on the screen. As you can see, the Market View screen is a table of values. Columns can easily be added or deleted by clicking on a column header. Across the top of the Market View screen, you see buttons that allow you to filter, select specific stock types, or select specific market types. The filter allows you to specify the usual criteria such as price or volume (more about this later). There is a five-letter naming convention for NASDAQ symbols that allows you to identify stock types, such as class A or class B shares. There are 26 different stock types corresponding to the 26 letters of the alphabet, and EquityFeed supports 20 of those.

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