Stocks & Commodities V. 31:6 (48–51): Product Review: StockSpotter by Dennis Peterson

Stocks & Commodities V. 31:6 (48–51): Product Review: StockSpotter by Dennis Peterson
Item# V31C06_566PETE
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Product Description

Product Review: StockSpotter by Dennis Peterson



6595 Buckley Drive, Cambria, CA 93428

Phone: 805 927-3065


Product: Daily alert service for stocks

Price: $45/month or $95/month depending on signals provided

Requirements: Web browser, which provides daily alerts for equity buy trades (long positions), has a new and improved look. It still offers the MESA (maximum entropy spectral analysis) tools developed by John Ehlers, which are available for free to perform your own analysis. In addition, some premium tools are offered. Business partner Ric Way has developed some serious data mining tools using DSP (digital signal processing) techniques to provide highprobability signals for setups that come from the MESA tools. It is the signals that you pay for, as well as some specialized screeners. All of the MESA tools are free at the website. In developing the new DSP indicators, Way has attempted to answer the following question: Given a perfectly genuine setup using MESA tools, is it time to enter a trade?

There is more. StockSpotter includes the SwamiCharts indicators, which are also available on the ThinkOrSwim platform by TD Ameritrade. When you view a price series on StockSpotter. com, it will generally have two MESA indicators in separate subcharts below the price chart. The two indicators have been preselected to analyze the price series for three different trading styles: swing, momentum, and trend.

Thus, StockSpotter supports these three types of traders with tools for each, and also has screeners that let you find the best long position candidates after searching more than 4,000 stocks and ETFs. It performs searching/screening daily. StockSpotter provides signals for trades expected to last from two days to as long as a couple of weeks. It also provides as many as 15 different types of screeners. Since StockSpotter generates entry and exit signals on its own, statistics can easily be gathered to see how well different classes of trades work.

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