Stocks & Commodities V. 31:12 (44-50): Interview: Uncovering The Layers With Jea Yu by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Stocks & Commodities V. 31:12 (44-50): Interview: Uncovering The Layers With Jea Yu by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Item# V31C12_669INTE
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Interview: Uncovering The Layers With Jea Yu by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Digging Deep

Jea Yu is cofounder of, a virtual trading desk and trader education site. Yu is the author of Trading Full Circle, Guide To Electronic Trading, and Secrets Of The UndergroundTrader, as well as several trading videos: Swing Trading Secrets, Short-Term Profit Hunter, Level II Trading Warfare, and Beating The Bear, published through Wiley Trading and Traders Library. His latest book, Way Of The Trade: Tactical Applications Of Underground Trading Methods For Traders And Investors, was released in August 2013 by Bloomberg Press and John Wiley & Sons. Yu has been a contributing writer for,,, and Active Trader magazine. Together with, he produces The Morning Profit Maker service on, based on his proprietary patterns.

Stocks & Commodities Editor Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan interviewed Yu on October 8, 2013, about how the markets have changed since he first started trading in the 1990s from the daytrading bubble of 19992001 to the rise of algorithmic and high-frequency trading and how he has responded to some of the changes in his own trading.

Jea, tell us a little about yourself and how you got interested in the markets. While in college, during the early 1990s, I had a roommate who had discovered the stock market. He showed me quotes in the newspaper. Thats when I caught the bug. I opened up an account with Charles Schwab & Co.. After college, my buddy became a broker at Smith Barney.

I went the normal route. I did my research, and I would read the stock quotes in the paper, but I always had a tendency to want more current quotes than I could get in the printed newspaper. I would bug my broker about 20 times a day and ask what a stock was trading at!

Most people tell you to focus on the fundamentals of stocks, which is one way of looking at it, but why does a stock price fluctuate from day to day, or from minute to minute? There was always some type of disconnect there for me, and thats what got me started on my journey.

I didn't have a lot of money back then, so I was playing small stocks and putting together research reports. One of my internships was at Prudential Securities, and I put together a couple of research reports on some of these small stocks. On my first day there, I met with a broker who said he wanted to give me a lot of opportunities. So I showed him my folder and told him that I had five stocks he needed to look at. But he just turned me over to his sales assistant, who gave me a stack of envelopes and a stack of letters, and asked me to lick the envelopes and mail them out. That was the extent of my internship at a brokerage firm.

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