Stocks & Commodities V. 31:1 (40-42, 64): Intermarket Checkup by Matt Blackman
Product Description
Intermarket Checkup by Matt Blackman
Where the heck are we, anyway? Knowing where we are now and what economic forces
are in play in the broader scheme of things can be useful in anticipating where we’re
In his latest book, Investing In The Second Lost Decade, Martin Pring et al. provide
a credible explanation about the business cycle and how it can be used to
enhance investment and trading decisions. Pring breaks the idealized cycle down
into six stages and provides an overview of how the three major asset classes (bonds,
stocks, and commodities) should be performing at each stage of the cycle.
According to Pring, bonds should
lead stocks and stocks should lead
commodities on the way up and down
in a textbook cycle. Figure 1 is a
stylized diagram of the Pring-Turner
business cycle, described thus:
To everything a season
Stage 1: The economy is still contracting,
but stocks are approaching
their lows and commodities aren’t
far behind. Once bonds demonstrate
they have bottomed, it’s a good
time to start buying them since they
lead the other two asset classes in
a recovery.
Stage 2: At this point, the economy
has bottomed. Stocks have begun to
move up behind bonds.
Stage 3: As the economy improves,
inflation begins to creep in, which
is good for commodities that have
bottomed and stocks, at least in the
early inflationary stages. This is
a good time to buy commodities.
Bonds, stocks, and commodities
move up together during stage 3 as
the economy continues to expand.
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