Stocks & Commodities V. 31:3 (34-36): The Chartmill Value Indicator (Part 3) by Dirk Vandycke

Stocks & Commodities V. 31:3 (34-36): The Chartmill Value Indicator (Part 3) by Dirk Vandycke
Item# V31C03_511VAND
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Product Description

The Chartmill Value Indicator (Part 3) by Dirk Vandycke

Enhancing And Nonenhancing

In the final article of this series, you’ll find more ways to apply the Chartmill value indicator and determine if it enhances the indicators you already use.

The Chartmill value indicator (CVI) is a short-term oscillator which, like dozens of other oscillators, tries to capture overbought and oversold situations. Because it is created using a statistical normalization procedure, it is unlike most other well-known oscillators. For one, it doesn’t suffer from the stickiness that keeps other range-bound oscillators in overbought and oversold zones while a strong trend is developing. Second, the CVI copes nicely with the lag that moving average–based oscillators have. Finally, because it doesn’t use any parameters, it is objective in its definition and hence is ideal for algorithmic implementation in software.

Hence, it becomes necessary to have an objective interpretation of the CVI. In this article, you will find out if the CVI has any real and statistically significant usefulness.


The CVI going below ‑8 (two standard deviations) is considered oversold or short-term undervalued, while having it above +8 would be overbought and short-term overvalued. If necessary, you can consider smaller intervals to increase the number of samples like [‑7, +7], as [‑8, +8] might give too few signals while backtesting. In addition, the interval used doesn’t have to be symmetrical. In a bull market, you could consider anything below ‑6 already oversold. But the indicator seems to perform well using [‑8, +8]. The changes in the interval are merely to drive up sample size in backtests and generate more signals.

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