Stocks & Commodities V. 30:12 (61-65): Product Review: Eikon For Retail Traders by Dennis D. Peterson

Stocks & Commodities V. 30:12 (61-65): Product Review: Eikon For Retail Traders by Dennis D. Peterson
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Product Description

Product Review: Eikon For Retail Traders by Dennis D. Peterson

Eikon for Retail Traders is a robust, full-featured, flexible, real-time, news and data package from MetaStock. Eikon for Retail Traders is a standalone product but also the datafeed for MetaStock Pro 12. Eikon for Retail Traders provides a broad range of features that go beyond simply being a data vendor. It is the retail version of a product that has been available to institutions for years. It isn’t simply quote data; it is all manner of financial data. Besides quotes for stocks, forex, options, and commodities, it has marketwide news as well as company-specific news, economic news on several layers, charts with a long list of indicators that can be applied, and the list goes on.


You get an idea of the robustness when you see the home screen (Figure1). Across the top, just above the portion containing the picture, is a banner that has selectable items such as home, asset classes, countries, and news and research. Select one of these items — for example, Countries — and you will see information that is country-specific, or if you select news and research, you can read news for a specific company. You can also customize the information on your home screen using an icon that looks like a gear (Figure 2). When you click on the gear, you get a list of news items to choose from, and as you can see, the list is long.

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