Stocks & Commodities V. 30:5 (59-61): Quick Scan: VectorVest 7 by Barbara Star, PhD

Stocks & Commodities V. 30:5 (59-61): Quick Scan: VectorVest 7 by Barbara Star, PhD
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Product Description

Quick Scan: VectorVest 7 by Barbara Star, PhD

The July 2009 issue of Stocks & Commodities featured a review of the VectorVest RealTime program. Now, with the release of VectorVest 7, the same user-friendly platform is available for end-of-day and intraday subscribers as well as real-time users. While the 2009 review offered an in-depth look at the major features within VectorVest, this Quick-Scan focuses on some of the new features that subscribers will find in VectorVest 7.

Foremost among the changes from VectorVest 6 is a customizable home page that identifies market timing, top-ranked stocks, industry groups, and sectors plus easy access to news, charts, watchlists, and search strategies (see Figure 1).


Because the movement of individual stocks is often heavily influenced by the direction of the broad market indexes, market timing plays a prominent role in the VectorVest program. The software uses a color guard to reflect directional changes of current price movement and also the underlying market trend as identified by a market timing indicator (MTI).

In addition to the more aggressive, shorter-term primary wave system and the more conservative confirmed market calls that were found in the earlier versions, two new market timing systems have been added to this version of VectorVest. The DEW system, seen in Figure 2, provides intermediate market timing using technical analysis to identify entry and exit points.

The green light system is specifically for those traders who wish to increase their portfolio gradually by adding just one stock at a time during a favorable market period.

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