Stocks & Commodities V. 30:3 (52-54): Product Review: eSiganl 11 by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Stocks & Commodities V. 30:3 (52-54): Product Review: eSiganl 11 by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Item# V30C03_266PRESPDF
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Product Description

Product Review: eSiganl 11 by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

After having used eSignal for several years, my first reaction to the latest release, eSignal 11, was how modern the user interface was. After I downloaded the program from the eSignal website — which was a snap — and opened it, the unfamiliar interface with the black background and lack of the ever-so-familiar toolbars gave me the impression that I had to relearn everything. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case. Once I started exploring, I realized it wasn’t too different. Once I figured out that toolbars were tucked in and the right-click feature and the use of tabs along the bottom were used extensively, it didn’t take long to get acclimated.


Along the top of the screen, you will see a menu bar. The leftmost bar, the eS menu, takes the place of the file menu from the previous versions. Once I clicked on that menu, I saw the typical eSignal features and it was smooth sailing from there. From that point you can create a new page, open/close pages, save pages, print pages, and so on. The screenshot in Figure 1 gives you an idea of the new eSignal 11 interface.

At the bottom of the dropdown menu there’s a button labeled “Application properties.” This is what you use to change the appearance of your windows, the mode of the windows (docked or independent), whether you want your pages to open from previous sessions, or whether you want to start with an empty screen. You can also opt to select Auto Save pages. Currently, there are two color themes available but there are plans to add more. By default, the page mode is docked, and if you want to change the location of any of the windows, all you have to do is drag and drop them to a new location.

To the right of the dropdown menu you can see a list of recently visited pages. With just one click, you can go back to a page you previously visited.

Other things you can do from here is check your connections, set your time zones, choose how you want your data to appear, select colors for quote ticker/bar, and select your trading preferences, among other things. I should also mention that eSignal 11 supports eight different languages, which include English, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Chinese, and Russian.

The next menu — new — enables you to create new watchlists, charts, time and sales, hot lists, and so on. These windows can, of course, be arranged on your desktop in any way you prefer. The image in Figure 2 consists of a watchlist, hot list, chart, and research window.

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