Stocks & Commodities V. 29:6 (8, 10): Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.

Stocks & Commodities V. 29:6 (8, 10): Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Item# 089LETTPDF
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Product Description

Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.

Combining RSI with RSI


I am a subscriber to your magazine and a student of technical analysis over the last 18 years. The subject is forever evolutionary and seldom do I come across an insight that can truly inspire and reflect upon the artistic nature that many professionals, working on charts, can possess. Peter Konner has done a wonderful job with the aspects mentioned in his January 2011 article (“Combining Rsi With Rsi”) and in its most simplest form. I just have one question for him: the rationale behind using the parameters for the weekly Rsi of 17 and 5.

Syed Rehan Ali

Author Peter Konner replies:

In my article, I briefly described the optimization performed on the model. I admit that it was a very sketchy test, but my subsequent optimizations show that five and 17 weeks for the Rsi periods are correct.

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