Stocks & Commodities V. 29:12 (60-65): Product Review: by Leslie N. Masonson

Stocks & Commodities V. 29:12 (60-65): Product Review: by Leslie N. Masonson
Item# 209PRETPDF
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Product Description

Product Review: by Leslie N. Masonson is an exceptional website that provides the analytical tools and backtesting capability for developing profitable exchange traded fund (Etf) trading and investing strategies. Currently, in the US there are more than 1,000 Etfs in existence with total assets exceeding $1 trillion. This website covers approximately 600 of the most active Etfs representing greater than 98% of the US daily trading volume. The bottom 600 Etfs in asset size constitute only 2% of all Etf assets.

This site is independently owned and has no affiliation with any Etf family or brokerage firm. I’ve been using this website since December 2010 and I’ve been impressed with its capabilities, as well as the enhancements added since then. In addition, I used this website to develop two profitable Etf investing strategies that are the basis of my recently published ebook, Profiting From Etf Rotation Strategies In Turbulent Times.

The website is well-suited for self-directed investors and traders who want to build and manage Etf portfolios for short-term trading and long-term investing for their regular brokerage and/or retirement accounts. The Etf data for the backtesting applications is updated nightly, usually by 5:15 PM Eastern time, providing sufficient time to assess the market situation for any potential portfolio changes before the next day’s market open. At the outset, it is useful to take a look at the overview and “About us” tabs to learn about the philosophy of the website and the rationale for using Etfs in an active investing mode. After that, the user should view the introductory video on the home page.

The home page (Figure 1) lays out the website’s Etf focus using 11 tabs across the top of the page. In addition, there is a listing of the 10 most recent blog posts, as well as the year-to-date returns of the 10 top and bottom Etf performers.

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