Stocks & Commodities V. 29:8 (64-65): Product Review: Trade Architect by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Stocks & Commodities V. 29:8 (64-65): Product Review: Trade Architect by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Item# 135PRPDF
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Product Description

Product Review: Trade Architect by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

More market participants want to edge away from the buy & hold approach and take more control of their finances. To meet the needs of these self-directed investors or traders who are not interested in actively trading, TD Ameritrade has launched a web-based platform called Trade Architect. The objective of this product is to create a bridge to transition between fundamental analysis and technical analysis. The nice thing is that it is available to all TD Ameritrade account holders.

Features What caught my eye is that the features in this product are very visual. The most prominent feature on the opening screen (Figure 1), once you launch Trade Architect, is the video player that streams Cnbc news live. This is convenient, since you can always have access to financial news when you are away from home. Below that is a window that displays charts of the indexes or, as in the case in Figure 1, a heat map of the various sectors. I prefer to look at the map since it gives you a quick glance at the market so you have an idea of which sectors are performing well and which aren’t. You have several options available when it comes to viewing the heat map. There are dropdown menus you can use to select what criteria you want to apply to view these maps. Each rectangle on the heat map represents an equity, and its size and color tell you how that particular stock is performing at that time.

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