Stocks & Commodities V. 29:6 (54-56): Product Review: ONE44 by Dennis Peterson

Stocks & Commodities V. 29:6 (54-56): Product Review: ONE44 by Dennis Peterson
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Product Description

Stocks & Commodities V. 29:6 (54-56): Product Review: ONE44 by Dennis Peterson

One44 is a commodities trading platform that gives buy and sell recommendations for four very active commodities: Standard & Poor’s 500 and Nasdaq minis, euro, and yen. After downloading, just log in each time you want to use One44. Why just four commodities? That’s because One44 is predicting where price will turn, and some of that prediction requires trading experience. That experience comes from Nick Ehrenberg, a veteran of 30 years of analysis provided to a select few of the Cme floor traders. One44 was created to let a broad spectrum of traders see the analysis. But you might still be asking, “Why just four?”

The reason is that Ehrenberg Analytics uses Gann charts. Most traders, myself included, have looked at Gann theory and just written it off as unreliable. Lurking in the background was the problem of squaring the chart. Platforms that I was familiar with at the time let you approximate a squared chart, but that is as close as you could get. To actually square a chart, you need to be able to use equal units of time and price. (Wave59 is one example of software that allows you to do so.) Now you might want to know, “What’s the performance history?” One44 shows its history, and you will see it makes a profit on two out of every three trades.

So what do you do if you don’t use software that allows you to square a chart? For the S&P 500 emini, you build a chart where time (x-axis) and price (y-axis) are equal units, and in the case of the S&P 500 emini, Nick Ehrenberg’s chart is six feet tall. In fact, on what One44 calls its dashboard is a section called Market Outlook, and one of the tabs is “1x1 angles” (Figure 1).

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