Stocks & Commodities V. 29:11 (52-55): Product Review: Adaptrade Builder 1.2 by Donald W. Pendegast Jr.

Stocks & Commodities V. 29:11 (52-55): Product Review: Adaptrade Builder 1.2 by Donald W. Pendegast Jr.
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Product Description

Product Review: Adaptrade Builder 1.2 by Donald W. Pendegast Jr.

IF you’ve been using TradeStation as a trading system development platform for a while and found yourself wondering how to expand your EasyLanguage (EL) skill sets in order to begin coding your own custom EL scripts, then you’ve probably considered using the services of an experienced EL programmer. While this can be a great way to have a trading system built for you in a short length of time, if the trading idea upon which the system is built is based on a flawed concept, then you’ve wasted your time and money in what amounts to a hit-or-miss approach to finding and profiting from a well-designed trading system.

However, there is another, less grueling pathway that aspiring developers can choose to travel, and that is Adaptrade’s Builder, a standalone product for writing EasyLanguage. Builder assists with virtually every phase of crafting, testing, and then deploying trading models for Trade­Station and MultiCharts, automatically writing the complete EL code for your desired strategy, no matter which market you may trade. In this review, we’ll examine the key features of Builder and then take it a step farther by creating a viable trading strategy that can be tweaked by readers who wish to do additional research and development work.


Once you pay for and download the software from the Adaptrade website (there is also a free 14-day trial period), you’ll have access to a full array of training resources and user guides, all of which are written in simple, clearly defined terms that even a budding system developer can grasp.

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