Stocks & Commodities V. 29:5 (34-35): Quick Scans: The Machine Lite by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Stocks & Commodities V. 29:5 (34-35): Quick Scans: The Machine Lite by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Item# 077QSPDF
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Product Description

Quick Scans: The Machine Lite by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

In addition to selecting an equity, exchange traded fund (Etf), index, option, currency pair, futures contract, and so on to trade at any given time, at times you may want to select a portfolio of tradables that give you the desired results. Markets perform differently during different market conditions, which is why we are always told to diversify our holdings. But there is not much point in diversifying if everything you own goes up or down together. Creating an optimal portfolio, one that lets you keep your losses to a minimum, can be challenging and time consuming.

To help you accomplish this, The Connors Group has come up with The Machine, and its less-powerful version is referred to as The Machine Lite. Both products are designed to eliminate the guesswork from creating a portfolio and reduce the learning curve. For this review I tested The Machine Lite. The major difference between the two: Lite doesn’t give you access to all available strategies.

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