Stocks & Commodities V. 28:2 (70-72): Product Review: by Bruce R. Faber

Stocks & Commodities V. 28:2 (70-72): Product Review: by Bruce R. Faber
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Product Description

Product Review: by Bruce R. Faber

I have a disclaimer right off the bat: I have been using Worden Brothers products since I started trading in the early 1990s. I have used other charting programs over the years and always come back. Now, Worden’s put FreeStockCharts (Fsc) — a real-time charting program — on the web for free. Are they nuts? Maybe, maybe not. You do have to pay for the full version. In all honesty, this is an enjoyable and productive website. This is fantastic charting software, on top of the fact that it is free (see Figure 1).


Now, we will get down to brass tacks. How do you find out how to use it? Well, there are helpful videos that show you all the ins and outs of the program, but there is no link from the Fsc program to the Fsc training videos. In case that still has not been corrected by the time you read this review and go to the site (and you will), here is how to get to the movies that show you how to use the program. Up in the address bar, highlight the “www.” and then type “videos” and hit Enter. And that’s it. You will find four videos on how to use the basic (free) version and one video on how to use the scanning feature of the premium (Gold) version. Did I mention that if you are already paying for the end-of-day, TC2007 Gold version, then you’ll get the Gold Real-Time Fsc at no additional cost? Considering that most real-time charting program subscriptions cost about $100 a month, this is a great way to get real-time charting at end-of-day prices. By giving you free real-time charts, Worden might get you to sign up for their end-of-day (Eod) program.

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