Stocks & Commodities V. 28:7 (64-67): Product Review: MultiCharts by Technical Analysis, Inc.

Stocks & Commodities V. 28:7 (64-67): Product Review: MultiCharts by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Item# 139PRPDF
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Product Description

Product Review: MultiCharts by Technical Analysis, Inc.

MultiCharts is highly flexible software designed to let you have choices. The most obvious area of flexibility is the number of datafeeds it supports as well as data formats. It supports 18 datafeeds such as Dtn/IQ, TradeStation, eSignal, and Interactive Brokers, along with data formats such as MetaStock and Ascii. Free quotes (Figure 1) from Yahoo! Finance, Google Finance, and Msn Money Central are also available. Add it all together and there are 23 data sources.


MultiCharts (MC) has four applications. The primary application, MultiCharts, lets you access the other three through the file menu: Portfolio Backtester, Power Language Editor, and Quote Manager. In Figure 1, the MC application is being used. The layout of the screen is similar to many other applications so it’s familiar territory. You have a menu across the top, icons underneath, screen area in the middle, and more icons on the bottom, along with tabs identifying workspaces.

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