Stocks & Commodities V. 28:12 (60-63): Product Review: by Dennis Peterson

Stocks & Commodities V. 28:12 (60-63): Product Review: by Dennis Peterson
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Product Description

Product Review: by Dennis Peterson

StockSpotter is a website that provides buy and sell recommendations for stocks. The ticker symbols for the stocks are posted at 5:00 pm Pacific time for the next trading day. Sometimes there might be three or four recommended symbols, while other times there might be as many as a dozen or more.

What’s different and remarkable about the site is their openness about their performance. As you will see, equity curves and Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate how successful StockSpotter is in recommending trades. You can expect an average profit of 3.34% per trade using the highest-rated recommended trades. The maximum time of a position is 10 trading days. Alerts to exit a position may come earlier.


It’s not simple, but it’s all coded up and therefore the same algorithms are applied every day. At the heart of this system, the code wants to find trend retracements and locate the point where price will start to move with the trend again.

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