Stocks & Commodities V. 28:2 (66-68): Product Review: Trading The Pristine Method Course by Dennis D. Peterson
Product Description
Product Review: Trading The Pristine Method Course by Dennis D. Peterson
This home study course teaches traders, beginner to experienced, how to trade using the Pristine method. There is also an introductory course for $1,495, but this review covers the Trading the Pristine Method (Tpm) Course, Part 1, which covers more details using 300 pages of material, whereas the introductory course has 200 pages of material.
The courses are set up with online material, which is well organized accompanied by a three-ring binder with tabs to mark the various sections. While taking the course you can take advantage of counselors to help explain areas that you may not understand or if you just have questions. In fact, you can send up to three charts a day to ask if the price patterns have the type of setup that Pristine wants to see.
All of the course charts are narrated. When you sign into the website to work on the course, youll be presented with a high-level flow diagram of boxes with section names where you can click on a box to go to a particular section. The course will prompt you with a message asking if you want to continue where you left off last if you are continuing from before. You can also utilize some forward and back arrows once you have picked a section so as to navigate forward and backward through the sections as well as use the flow diagram.
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