Stocks & Commodities V. 28:2 (30-32): Trading Chaos In Today’s Market by J.Williams-Lara and Marcus Lara

Stocks & Commodities V. 28:2 (30-32): Trading Chaos In Today’s Market by J.Williams-Lara and Marcus Lara
Item# \V28\C02\025LARA.PDF
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Product Description

Trading Chaos In Today’s Market by J.Williams-Lara and Marcus Lara

Trading the volatility of today’s markets has created a huge learning experience and a new way to navigate profitably through constant change. A holistic approach to trading may give you the edge you are looking for.

IS this the trading opportunity of a lifetime or the end of the American way? Trading Chaos, Bill Williams’ first book, theorizes that trading the volatility of today’s markets has created both a huge learning experience and a new way to navigate profitably through constant change. The entire global financial system is built on the presence of chaos in the markets. When there is stability in the world there is no change in price, no fear of war, we do not fret about the future, everyone has enough to eat, and people do not kill one another. However, in the world presented by the news media, there is massive political unrest, terrorism, boycotts, price controls, farm subsidies, lack of food, dwindling water supplies and energy sources, and the constant threat of war, all creating the feeling of unease about the future. Besides natural disasters, such fears and worries are what create most of the price fluctuations in the financial markets as well as the massive increase in volatility that has risen over the past several years.

When Bill Williams, my father, founded the Profitunity Trading Group in 1984, independent traders had to call their brokers to place an order, printed statements were mailed ut monthly, and there were only a few charting systems and even fewer trading systems. The most information a trader could get was the price data, as you could not get statistics like volume, nor could you go look at a company’s income statement online. Further, a floor trader could go on vacation for a week and soybeans might have only moved a nickel, if that, during his absence.

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