Stocks & Commodities V. 28:12 (37, 65): Futures For You by Carley Garner

Stocks & Commodities V. 28:12 (37, 65): Futures For You by Carley Garner
Item# 234GARNPDF
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Product Description

Futures For You by Carley Garner


If I want to get into trading energy futures, where can I go for fundamental information?

There is a saying: “Nobody has ever fought a war over ethanol.” Nobody ever has done so because there is no reason to. Ethanol is created with renewable resources; unfortunately, more popular forms of energy, such as crude oil, are not renewable. Due to oil’s finite supply, interruptions in extraction, transportation, or distillation can create volatile price movements. Nothing tells the story of this better than a chart.

The price of crude oil futures peaked near $150 per barrel in mid-2008 (if you recall, many pundits were calling for $200 oil in short order) and retreated to around $30 by the end of the same year. This equals about $120,000 per contract. This is one of the most treacherous commodity markets to participate in but remains popular due to the potential rewards.

Supply/demand factors

For production and usage figures, energy traders look to the Energy Information Administration (Eia), which is a section of the Department of Energy (Doe). The government entity issues periodic energy statistics and even market predictions.

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