Stocks & Commodities V. 28:1 (14-19): What’s Your Trading Price? by Alexander Sabodin

Stocks & Commodities V. 28:1 (14-19): What’s Your Trading Price? by Alexander Sabodin
Item# \V28\C01\004SABO.PDF
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Product Description

What’s Your Trading Price? by Alexander Sabodin

The most important element of a trading system is managing risk. Here’s how you can understand the risks of the forex market and other financial markets.

Novice traders tend to think of trading as a unique opportunity to make a large amount of money. They slip on their rose-colored glasses and envision profits that will enable them to quit their current jobs, let them travel all over the world, and work only when they feel like it. Immersed in these rainbow thoughts, they open trading accounts, begin trading, and suddenly find themselves faced with the cruel reality. Money drains out of their accounts, followed by enormous losses that force them to close their positions. They quickly realize that the market isn’t about making money. Instead, it’s all about losing it.


Why do so many traders leave the business after suffering massive losses? There are many reasons, and one of the major ones is that there is too much focus on potential profits. A beginning trader tries not to think about the risks, which is wrong. Understanding and taming risks may be the major component of trading forex and other financial markets.

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