Stocks & Commodities V. 27:8 (68-69): Steve Nison’s Candlesticks Re-Ignited: New Tactics To Boost Confidence And Success by Sean M. Moore

Stocks & Commodities V. 27:8 (68-69): Steve Nison’s Candlesticks Re-Ignited: New Tactics To Boost Confidence And Success by Sean M. Moore
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Product Description

Steve Nison’s Candlesticks Re-Ignited: New Tactics To Boost Confidence And Success by Sean M. Moore

IN the July 2009 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, I reviewed the first two volumes of the new educational series produced by and taught by candlestick technician Steve Nison. This time, I’ll look at volumes 3 and 4. Volumes 3 and 4 cover the same topics as the first two volumes, but on a more advanced level. has a series of levels for traders to finish and accomplish in their candlechart training: novice, apprentice, expert, and master. Volumes 1 and 2 are designed to achieve senior apprenticeship level, while volumes 3 and 4 are geared toward the next step: Nison candlestick expert level.

Volumes 3 and 4 are sold as a package titled “Candlesticks Re-Ignited: New Tactics to Boost Success and Confidence.” The Dvd workshop contains eight Dvds. The first seven consist of a video seminar recorded at one of Steve Nison’s live two-day seminars. The eighth Dvd is a trading-lab Dvd with example charts that you can use to test your newfound knowledge. All of the slides used in the seminar are organized into a three-ring binder and included with the Dvds.

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