Stocks & Commodities V. 27:8 (62-64): MadScan by Dennis D. Peterson

Stocks & Commodities V. 27:8 (62-64): MadScan by Dennis D. Peterson
Item# \V27\C08\155PR.PDF
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Product Description

MadScan by Dennis D. Peterson

MadScan is software that interfaces with servers to support daytrading activities. The servers are fast enough to generate an alert you can see within 30 milliseconds of the event if you are located in the continental US and have a high-speed Internet connection. After installing this software, you are ready to configure your computer to accept alerts of your choosing. Through the use of filters you limit the alerts you want to see.

When you start up, three windows appear: a main window with version number (Figure 1), an alert window, and a streaming news window. Typically, you would start by configuring your alert window to the type of scan you want.


Configuring your scan is straightforward. You can start with either the default alert window or a blank alert window by selecting “New Signal Scan” from the File menu of the main window, right-click on any portion of the background, and see the prompt with three items: “Scan settings,” “Clone scan,” and “Background color.” Choose Scan settings and you will have an impressive number of choices (Figure 2).

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