Stocks & Commodities V. 27:02 (52-57): Interview: Classic Swing Trading With Linda Bradford Raschke by J. Gopalakrishnan and B. R. Faber
Product Description
Interview: Classic Swing Trading With Linda Bradford Raschke by J. Gopalakrishnan and B. R. Faber
Hers is a name that you’ve probably heard or read any number of
times if you’ve been interested in or involved in technical analysis for
very long. Linda Bradford Raschke began her trading career in 1981
on the floor of the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange before moving to the
Philadelphia Stock Exchange, eventually trading her own account from
home. StockS & commoditieS Editor Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan (JG)
and Staff Writer Bruce Faber (BF) spoke to Raschke via telephone on
December 4, 2008.
Linda, how did you get interested
in trading?
It was when I was just out
of college and I had these glamorous ideas that I was going to
be a stockbroker. I had moved to San
Francisco and applied to every firm in
the city, and got turned down by all of
BF: They are kicking themselves
Of course nobody wanted a kid out of
college with no experience. So I ended
up taking a job at Crown Zellerbach,
which was right across the street from
the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange. Every
morning I would see these traders going
in and out of the exchange wearing their
trading jackets. I befriended one of them
who taught me about options, and then
went through this course that the clearing
firm offered at the time on how to price
them. This was in equity options. After
about six months, my friend the trader
saw that I was still interested and offered
to back me if I wanted to become a floor
trader. In those days — this was back in
1981 — we did not have computers or
online trading. The only access we had
to a short-term trading environment was
to go to one of the exchanges and work
your way up by clerking or whatever you
could do at the time.
I got lucky and got backing to become a trader, and that’s how I
started. In this business, you
learn by doing. I cannot stress
that enough.
JG: You started out working
on the floor and after that,
you just ventured out on
your own?
That trader backed me to become a floor trader. A short while
after that, I got caught in a takeover bid
in 1982 where I was on the wrong side.
That pretty much put me into debt to
my clearing firm. They found another
company that needed a floor trader to
execute some of their orders and strategies
for them on that particular exchange,
so that’s what I did for the next two years
before I eventually moved to the Philadelphia
Stock Exchange. I still owed
money to the clearing firm, but I found
another backer, and it took me about
five years to pay off that trading loss.
But eventually I made enough money
to go out on my own.
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