Stocks & Commodities V. 27:3 (50-51): Full Service by Moses Sanchez
Product Description
Full Service by Moses Sanchez
It’s nice to have a hand to hold when you are confused about the market.
The way many traders do
when they are starting
out, I went to a “free” workshop on options and trading
when I first got interested in the
markets. Once there, they offered
to teach me to trade for a fee I
could not afford. Undaunted, I figured
I could learn the lessons they
offered just by visiting my local
library. So I did: I started reading
what was available there to feed
my own interest about the wonderful
world of stocks, options,
and commodities.
After much study, I decided I
was ready to start trading options
by using a combination of methods
that would (theoretically)
make me the money I wanted. So
I asked my broker at the time, T
Rowe Price, for permission to trade
options in my brokerage account.
I knew what I wanted to do but
actually doing it right was more
difficult than I expected. Was I
supposed to “buy to open” or “buy
to close,” and what was “fill or
kill”? Abbreviations such as FOK,
IOC, and GTC made absolutely no
sense to me, since the books I had
read didn’t explain the actual process
of trading options very thoroughly.
All my research on the
companies I wanted to try new
strategies with was the least of my
worries, because I couldn’t even
put the trade on!
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