Stocks & Commodities V. 27:2 (37): Q&A by Don Bright

Stocks & Commodities V. 27:2 (37): Q&A by Don Bright
Item# \V27\C02\025QA.PDF
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Product Description

Q&A by Don Bright


What time frame bars and other criteria are used for daytrading? —dafong

Entry and exit points for daytrading tend to be determined by a couple of things. First, we look at the premium (PREM) or discount (DISC) to fair value on a emini tick chart. This will tell us when the money is going after the stocks. When futures houses can sell futures at a high PREM, they will hedge with underlying securities. This can be seen with any spreadsheet.

Then we look to see where the peers are trading, which helps to determine the strength of the stock in relation to others and to the overall market. This helps with “strong vs. weak” stock determination. (CONTINUED...)

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