Stocks & Commodities V. 26:9 (98, 97): At The Close by Danish Kapur

Stocks & Commodities V. 26:9 (98, 97): At The Close by Danish Kapur
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Product Description

At The Close by Danish Kapur

Swing Trading And Market Pace

What do financial markets show? Personally, I don’t think they show much besides the way the people associated with them are thinking. And that thinking keeps changing. Sometimes people get fearful and sometimes they get greedy, which is why markets keep moving, frequently making swing highs and swing lows.

So financial markets represent the psychology of the people trading the markets. Everything people have on their minds is depicted in the form of the price on charts. Like the saying goes, “Prices discount everything.” All technical indicators are derived from price. So we can say that all indicators are based on the psychology of those associated with the markets.


You just have to take care to limit your loss and profit will take care of itself. This is what I believe, and one of the methods to achieve this is to study price using swing charts along with studying the pace of markets. The study of the pace of the market helps me confirm the turning points in markets.

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