Stocks & Commodities V. 26:4 (70-71): Quick-Scans: IB RiskNavigator by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Stocks & Commodities V. 26:4 (70-71): Quick-Scans: IB RiskNavigator by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Item# \V26\C04\076QS.PDF
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Product Description

Quick-Scans: IB RiskNavigator by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Whether you are a short-term or longterm trader or an investor, risk plays a critical role in the management of your assets. Your objective is to minimize your risks and maximize your rewards. But often this concept is not given the emphasis it needs since it’s not easy to quantify, especially if you trade options or futures. Fortunately, those traders who have an account with Interactive Brokers get to enjoy the benefits of the new addition to IB’s repertoire of products and services, Risk Navigator. IB Risk Navigator has some advanced risk management features that make it a great tool for options and futures traders. Keep in mind that the data is realtime and gets refreshed every 10 seconds or whenever you make any changes to your positions.


Risk Navigator is a program that helps you evaluate your risks in an easy-toread format. It does this by creating various reports that display different risk metrics. These include profit & loss, risk exposure, value at risk (VAR), and the greeks (Figure 1).

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