Stocks & Commodities V. 26:12 (72-75): Product Review: Red Rock Pattern Strategy by Dennis D. Peterson

Stocks & Commodities V. 26:12 (72-75): Product Review: Red Rock Pattern Strategy by Dennis D. Peterson
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Product Description

Product Review: Red Rock Pattern Strategy by Dennis D. Peterson



Red Rock Pattern Strategies (RRS) is a MetaStock plugin developed by Jeff Crystal, whose resume includes being a former hedge fund manager. Although he is busy as a consultant, he still takes the time to educate traders to his way of trading. Talking to Crystal and listening in on the free class will get you thinking about the market and trading in the ways of the skilled trader. If you are just starting out, this will feel like drinking from a firehose. Actually, it will feel like drinking from a big firehose.

So what is this all about? As the name implies, it’s about patterns. “What kind?” you might ask. Crystal will tell you that many are based on Elliott waves and/or Fibonacci retracements. But he will readily agree that if you pick five Elliotticians you might get five answers.

But before we start to worry about whether a price pattern is an Elliott wave you would recognize, first we’ve got to find a way to identify pivot peaks and valleys.

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