Stocks & Commodities V. 26:6 (62-66): Product Review: Best Choice Software by Barbara Star, PhD.

Stocks & Commodities V. 26:6 (62-66): Product Review: Best Choice Software by Barbara Star, PhD.
Item# \V26\C06\115PR.PDF
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Product Description

Product Review: Best Choice Software by Barbara Star, PhD.

Although luck may play a role, most trading is all about decision making — decisions about what to trade, when to trade, how to trade, and how much to risk. The better our decision making, the more likely our success.

Best Choice Software is an endof- day program that offers many features to increase the probability of successful decision making in the selection and timing for trading stocks, commodities, and mutual funds for trading. What began in the 1980s as a personal trading aid for program developer Peter Hoyt evolved over the next several years to incorporate components that reflected the changes in market conditions.

Now, Best Choice offers separate modules for long-term investing, short-term swing trading, and cyclic seasonal trades, all available in one program.


The program may be downloaded from a CD-ROM or directly from the Best Choice website. It will only run in a limited demo mode to evaluate the program’s features. Once a user purchases the trial or full version, the company licenses the user’s computer for all features. The licensing procedure utilizes the computer’s internal identification as part of a security measure to prevent unauthorized usage. This means that any internal hardware changes that have not been reported to the company in advance will cause the program not to recognize the computer and temporarily revert to demo mode.

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