Stocks & Commodities V. 26:2 (62-63): Product Review: AbleTrend 7 by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Stocks & Commodities V. 26:2 (62-63): Product Review: AbleTrend 7 by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
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Product Description

Product Review: AbleTrend 7 by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Whenever you attend a trading seminar, workshop, or course, you always hear that “trading is hard work.” Well, it’s true. You really have to do your homework if you want to succeed. I’ll have to admit that when I came across AbleTrend 7, the most recent product of Ablesys Corp., I eyed it with caution. It is a proprietary trading system that gives you very little room to make any kind of changes to your trading system. It’s a fully automated trading system that takes all the guesswork out of trading. All you have to do is enter your trades when the system signals you to do so. You also have the option to directly send your orders through Interactive Brokers and FXCM. It can’t get much easier than this.


Downloading and installing AbleTrend 7 is simple. You need to be a registered account holder to have access to the product. You could take advantage of the 30-day trial, which is a relief, given that the product is on the expensive side. You need to have a datafeed to use AbleTrend 7. For this you have several options. If all you need is an end of day (EOD) datafeed, you can use the AbleSys EOD data for free. For other data options you can use AbleRT, AbleFeed, and eSignal (EOD, DELAYED or RT). All these do charge a fee. Once you are set up with a datafeed, you are ready to start using AbleTrend 7.

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