Stocks & Commodities V. 26:1 (68-73): Product Review: High Growth Stock Invstor by Leslie N. Masonson
Product Description
Product Review: High Growth Stock Invstor by Leslie N. Masonson
There are countless end-ofday
stock evaluation software
programs for sale. However,
too many of them are
either too cumbersome to use or offer only a basic charting capability,
or provide the user with minimal
customization capabilities. High Growth
Stock Investor software (HGSI) offers
users the ability to customize the stock
screening process as well as rank and sort
stocks to meet their individual investment
or trading criteria. In addition, a superior
charting capability is built in.
HGSI was designed for self-directed
investors, traders, and professionals. The
software provides an array of seamless forthinteractive
fundamental and technical
investing tools to assess buy and sell
(short) candidates for those individuals
interested in growth, value, and momentum
styles. Since September 2006,
when I began using the software, I have
been amazed by its capabilities and powerful
scanning options. Using only a
few keystrokes, I sliced-and-diced the
market into the best- or worst-performing
securities by industry groups, sectors,
or customized criteria over varying
time frames within the 10-year database
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