Stocks & Commodities V. 26:4 (58-64): Product Review: eSignal 10 & Advanced Get Edition (pt 2) by Barbara Star, PhD

Stocks & Commodities V. 26:4 (58-64): Product Review: eSignal 10 & Advanced Get Edition (pt 2) by Barbara Star, PhD
Item# \V26\C04\071PR.PDF
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Product Description

Product Review: eSignal 10 & Advanced Get Edition (pt 2) by Barbara Star, PhD

eSignal is a leading provider of real-time quotes, charting, and information for the trading community. Part 1 of this review dealt with the features available to traders who subscribe to eSignal version 10. That version offers a platform that gives traders access to a full range of tools and services, including real-time and end-ofday quotes for stocks, commodities, mutual funds, options, and forex prices. It also incorporates charts, indicators, news, research, scanners, alerts, backtesting capabilities, custom study creation, and integrated trading with several direct-access brokerages. Some of those features can be seen in the customized workspace in Figure 1.

For many traders the basic platform fits the bill for their trading needs. But for traders who want to kick it up a notch with indicators and strategies not available elsewhere, eSignal also offers an Advanced GET edition. Advanced GET contains all the features of eSignal 10, but unlike the basic platform that can be leased on a monthly or annual basis, the Advanced GET edition is only available by purchasing the software. As with the standard version 10, data and exchange fees are extra.

The “GET” in Advanced GET stands for “Gann and Elliott Trader.” The program contains proprietary tools based on Gann, Elliott, and Fibonacci calculations that may be used on any price chart and in any time frame. With such broad applicability, it is equally appropriate for use by mutual fund traders as by currency traders and by intraday traders as well as swing traders and longterm investors. The package includes two other components — the Advanced GET scanner and the dashboard — both of which are designed to be used in conjunction with Advanced GET tools and strategies.

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