Stocks & Commodities V. 26:6 (51, 95): Explore Your Options by Tom Gentile
Product Description
Explore Your Options by Tom Gentile
Commodity prices are surging. With
the Federal Reserve lowering rates
aggressively, I am now more worried
than ever about the risk of inflation. Is
there a way to trade inflation directly,
like an inflation index?
Interesting question. I don’t know of
any index that has been created to trade
inflation directly. Indirectly, gold has
historically served as a good hedge
against the risk of inflation. During
times of inflation, gold prices tend to
rise, and during periods of falling prices
or deflation, gold prices tend to fall.
If you don’t have a futures account,
another option is to trade the Street
Tracks Gold Fund (GLD), which is an
exchange traded fund that holds the
yellow metal. No options are listed on
the GLD, but could be listed in the near
future. Alternatively, you can take bullish
positions in gold mining companies
or on the PHLX Gold and Silver Mining
Index ($XAU), which is an index that
tracks the performance of 12 gold mining
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